
This website is proudly made by the author itself, Alessandro Molari.

My mothertongue language is Italian, however I write articles in English, to make them available to everyone worldwide. I apologize in advance for linguistic errors. Please feel free to contact me in private, to report mistakes and suggest improvements. They’ll be very welcome!

You’ll find below some generic website information, how it is structured.


Below you can find the meaning of content tags.

Category tags

This tag tries to group similar content together.

The generic rationale used to choose tags follows these rules (in order of importance):

  1. No synonyms are allowed: similar categories should be grouped together
  2. Generic semantic is better: Categories shouldn’t be too much specific. As a rule of thumb: if a category has less than 5% of total number of posts, is too much specific; if a category has more than 10% of total number of posts, is too much generic
  3. One category: sometimes content could logically fit into multiple categories, but always use just the most representative one
  4. Singular names: always use singular names, instead of plurals
  5. Less is better: the number of categories should stay low, in the order of tens not hundreds

Status tags

Status tag shows the status of the content’s current revision.

Available tags are:

Name Description
Done Revision is finished
WIP Revision’s content is still work in progress, and could be subject to major changes
New Revision is new, no content is available at the moment

Confidence tags

The confidence tag is a little more unusual.

I use similar meaning, however the values are based exclusively on my own thoughts and no one else is involved in choosing post values.

The available values I drop his other tags in favor of giving my subjective probability using the Kesselman List of Estimative Words (see Page 71, Figure 5.2) with modified names:

Name Probability Original Name
Certain 100% Certain
Almost Certain 86% - 99% Almost Certain
High Likely 71% - 85% High Likely
Likely 56% - 70% Likely
Possible 50% Chances a Little Better or Less
Unlikely 31% - 45% Unlikely
High Unlikely 16% - 30% High Unlikely
Remote 1% - 15% Remote
Impossible 0% Impossible

These are used to express my feeling about how well-supported the post is, or how likely it is the overall ideas are right. Of course, an interesting idea may be worth writing about even if very wrong, and even a long shot may be profitable to examine if the potential payoff is large enough.

I stole the idea from Gwern Blog’s confidence tag.

Importance tags

An additional useful bit of metadata would be distinction between things which are trivial and those which are about more important topics which might change your life. I’ve ranked pages in deciles from 0-10 on how important the topic is to myself, the intended reader, or the world.

I stole the idea from Gwern Blog’s importance tag.